United Nations SDGs




Nayo Tropical Technology is a leader in renewable energy in Nigeria. It’s our main priority to leave positive sustainable imprints on the environment.

We have always targeted at:

DEVELOPING: Mini-grids across Nigeria mostly in rural communities. We have it as a major aim to provide clean and affordable energy.

AGAINST: Through our services and projects we have demonstrated our desires in saying no to poverty.

ACTION: All our works have been targeted also in putting an end to Greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and have succeeded in displacing of huge amounts.

PROVISION: We have invested in the provision of clean and affordable water to the Africa’s largest economy Nigeria.

NO: By giving out clean and renewable energy to poor rural communities we have demonstrated our desires in saying no to hunger. We totally believe in zero hunger as drafted by the United Nations.

We are big supporters of the UN Sustainable Development Goals  and contribute immensely to:
– Affordable and Clean Energy
– No Poverty
– Climate Action
– Clean Water and Sanitation
– Zero Hunger

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